September 2020

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Starting Strong

Students are once again filling the pews at the Newman Center....

They are eager to seek the face of the Lord, and connect with serivce project and Bible studies.

While we've had to get creative with more outdoor events during the pandemic, we've met so many new and returning UND students eager to be part of our vibrant community on campus. On August 23rd, we welcomed students back to campus with our Welcome Weekend Mass. Over 100 people came to the Newman Center to celebrate the Eucharist. 

Afterwards, students met Father Luke and our FOCUS missionaries outside for coffee and rolls. 

But that was only the start of a very busy week... (continued below)
Back at the Newman Center for the first Mass of the year. Students gather for coffee and rolls.
Abby and Jacquelyn talk after Mass.
Father distributes the Eucharist.
On Monday night we hosted a taco "bar" out in front of the Newman Center. The yellow jackets that live out there mistakenly thought they were invited too. Ah well. Tuesday brought back the great tradition of "First Day of School" pictures. Our FOCUS team takes little placards all around campus and photographs any student who wants to document their "first day of school". We had to keep a little more physical distance this year, but we still met a lot of new students and got them signed up for Bible studies at the Newman Center. 

Wednesday night brought a lot of students to Mass for a special "Blessing of the Brains". Thursday we had burgers out back. And on Friday, the Student Board held a movie night on the patio. 

(continued below)

The Women of the Newman House

The Newman House is once again filled with young women, leaders on campus and at the Newman Center. 

We are starting the year strong. And we are grateful for all your prayers and support. 

If you would like to see all the photos of our first Mass, click here. If you would like to see the photos from our first day of school, click here

We're going to have a great year. Keep us in your prayers. 
Click here to support our mission.
Grant, O merciful God 
that I may ardently desire, 
prudently examine, truthfully acknowledge, 
and perfectly accomplish 
all that is pleasing to you, 
for the praise and glory of 
your Name. 

- Prayer of St. Thomas Aquinas. 
Copyright © 2020 undCatholic, All rights reserved.

St. Thomas Aquinas Newman Center
410 Cambridge St.
Grand Forks, ND, 58203

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