February 2020


Fireside Chats

What is the relationship between gender and biological sex? What could you say to some who denies the existence of God? Why are some saints' bodies not decomposing? Do science and theology contradict each other? 

These are just a few of the questions that have been answered during a series of biweekly lectures called "Fireside Chats". The chats, usually delivered by Father Luke, have proven popular with students; they are held in the Social Hall because the Fireside Room was too small. 30 to 50 students typically attend, and they stay for a lengthy Q&A afterwards. 

In the last year, topics of "Fireside Chats" have included: 
  • Vocational Discernment
  • Answering Atheism
  • It's Complicated (Dating)
  • Newman's Idea of a University
  • A Walk Through the Mass
  • The Incorruptibles
  • The Masculine and Feminine Genius
Pictured above is Father Luke delivering "The Masculine and Feminine Genius: The Gift of Gender". Below, Simon Neta, a resident of rectory, makes homemade kettle corn. And students scarf it down. 

UND Catholic at the March for Life 

We are very proud of Therese and Mary who represented UND Catholic at the March for Life in Washington, D.C.. Earlier in the year, they were part of a group of students who organized a viewing of the film Unplanned here at UND. We are very proud of and very grateful for their witness to the sanctity of human life. 

3 Ways to Help

(and 2 are free)

Every year, we at the Newman Center participate in Giving Hearts Day. The purpose of this day is to raise a significant portion of our annual budget to ensure that the Church will always be present to the students of UND. What is special about Giving Hearts Day is that thanks to the generosity of matching donors, every dollar you give -- up to $35,000 -- is worth two. 
Learn More
There are three ways you can make your gift today: by scheduling online, mailing, or on Feb 13th. Just click the button above to go to our webpage to choose which way you will help us ignite the fire of faith on campus. 

Thank you. 

Gate City Bank - $2,500 Drawing

You can help the Newman Center simply by adding us to Gate City Bank's drawing. Charities can have their name "put into the hat" as many times as they like! So it would be a huge help to us if you click the button below and fill out the form, putting "#359 UND Catholic - St. Thomas Aquinas" in the "Giving Hearts Day Charity" line. 
Add UND Catholic to Gate City Bank's Drawing!
Here is an example: 

Help Us Win the Video Contest!

We recently made a short video about life at the Newman Center. We entered it into the Giving Hearts Day Video contest. You can click below to watch it and vote for it. If we win, we earn $1,000 for the students of UND Catholic. 
See the Video and Vote!

Save the Date!

Registration is OPEN!
Copyright © 2018 undCatholic, All rights reserved.

St. Thomas Aquinas Newman Center
410 Cambridge St.
Grand Forks, ND, 58203

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