
We had a wonderful school year this year!  I’m continually amazed and inspired by the faith of our college students.  Thank you for your continued support whether through prayer, financial or both.  May you enjoy a relaxing summer!

God bless,

Fr. Chris

This is all contingent on whether Fr. Chris is around.  Check the bulletin to know the week of schedule.

April 27th was the day scheduled for the Bike Race.  While the weather didn’t cooperate for a live race for the Bike Race this year, we still held a virtual race. We had 43 riders log miles and raised $39,201 of our $65,000 goal.  Congrats to NDSU on the win!To see the results click here.  To see some pics of those who rode virtually click here.

On May 4th we held our annual end of the year Gratia Banquet.  It was a wonderful evening of giving thanks to the Lord for what He has done this past year and asking His blessings on those moving on.  For more pics click on the pic above or click here.

2023-2024 Newman House Ladies!

Grant, O merciful God
that I may ardently desire,
prudently examine, truthfully acknowledge,
and perfectly accomplish
all that is pleasing to you,
for the praise and glory of
your Name.

- Prayer of St. Thomas Aquinas.